OCG - Astronomy

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School District of Oconee County


Course Number: 325100CH

(Note: Astronomy will count as a science credit towards a high school diploma, but does not satisfy CHE college admission requirements.

This is an introductory, non-lab science course in planetary and stellar astronomy.  Units include the history of astronomy, methods of astronomy, the Earth, the moon, the terrestrial planets and Jovian planets, asteroids and comets, the sun, stars, galaxies, the history of space flight, the physics of space flight, and extraterrestrial life and cosmology.

There are no prerequisites required for this course.
There are no fees associated with this course.
Standard H.E.2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure, properties, and history of the observable universe.

Required Instructional Materials and Resources:


Optional Materials and Resources:


Course Summary:

Date Details Due